Courtenay Massage Prices

Massage prices in Courtenay, Canada

A table showing the average massage prices in Courtenay, Canada:

Type of Massage Duration Price in Local Currency Price in USD
Registered Massage 60 minutes $90 - $120 $67 - $90
Relaxation Massage 60 minutes $80 - $100 $60 - $75
Osteopathy 60 minutes $100 - $150 $75 - $112
Naturopathic 60 minutes $100 - $150 $75 - $112
Craniosacral Therapy 60 minutes $100 - $150 $75 - $112
Acupuncture 60 minutes $90 - $120 $67 - $90

Here are some of the most popular massage venues in Courtenay:

Special massage treatments in Courtenay

Some special massage treatments available in Courtenay include:

Courtenay is known for its thriving wellness and spa culture, with a focus on natural, holistic treatments. Many of the massage providers in the area incorporate elements of West Coast and Indigenous healing practices into their offerings. Massage is seen as an important part of overall health and well-being in the Comox Valley region.

Please note that these prices are based on an average and may vary depending on the specific massage parlor, location, and other factors.