Pontianak Massage Prices

Massage prices in Pontianak, Indonesia

A table showing the average massage prices in Pontianak, Indonesia:

Type of Massage Duration Price in Local Currency (IDR) Price in USD
Traditional Massage 60 - 90 minutes Rp 50,000 - Rp 150,000 $3 - $10
Aromatherapy Massage 60 - 90 minutes Rp 100,000 - Rp 250,000 $7 - $17
Balinese Massage 90 - 120 minutes Rp 150,000 - Rp 300,000 $10 - $20

Here are some of the most popular massage venues in Pontianak:

Special massage treatments in Pontianak

Some special massage treatments available in Pontianak include:

Please note that these prices are based on an average and may vary depending on the specific massage parlor, location, and other factors.

Massage is an integral part of Indonesian culture, with various traditional techniques passed down through generations. Pontianak, being a city in West Kalimantan, offers a blend of Malay, Dayak, and other cultural influences in its massage offerings. Visitors can experience a range of treatments, from classic Indonesian massages to more specialized Borneo-inspired therapies.