Kawasaki Massage Prices

Massage prices in Kawasaki, Japan

A table showing the average massage prices in Kawasaki, Japan:

Type of Massage Duration Price in Local Currency (¥) Price in USD ($)
Traditional Thai Massage 60 - 120 minutes ¥6,500 - ¥12,500 $48 - $92
Thai Oil Massage 60 - 120 minutes ¥9,000 - ¥15,000 $66 - $110
Traditional Thai Massage & Oil 60 - 120 minutes ¥9,000 - ¥15,000 $66 - $110
Scalp Massage 60 minutes ¥6,500 - ¥12,500 $48 - $92

Here are some of the most popular massage venues in Kawasaki:

Special massage treatments in Kawasaki

Some special massage treatments available in Kawasaki include:

Kawasaki is known for its diverse range of massage and spa offerings, catering to both local residents and visitors. The city has a strong tradition of Thai massage, with several specialized Thai massage parlors and spas. Additionally, Kawasaki is home to unique head spa treatments that combine traditional Japanese and modern techniques to provide a truly rejuvenating experience.

Please note that these prices are based on an average and may vary depending on the specific massage parlor, location, and other factors.