Chau Doc Massage Prices

Massage prices in Chau Doc, Vietnam

A table showing the average massage prices in Chau Doc, Vietnam:

Type of Massage Duration Price in Local Currency Price in USD
Traditional Massage with Suction Cups 1 hour ₫200,000 - ₫200,000 $8.50 - $8.50
Foot Massage 1 hour ₫200,000 - ₫200,000 $8.50 - $8.50

Here are some of the most popular massage venues in Chau Doc:

Special massage treatments in Chau Doc

Some special massage treatments available in Chau Doc include:

Please note that these prices are based on an average and may vary depending on the specific massage parlor, location, and other factors.

Massage is a popular way for visitors to Chau Doc to relax and unwind, especially after a long journey. Traditional Vietnamese massage techniques using suction cups are commonly offered at local massage parlors and spas. Foot massages are also a common treatment. Some venues may have unique or specialized massage treatments available as well.